Important contacts
+420 533 338 888
Sales returns
+420 533 338 899

I am already registered customer

You are Intelek's customer and the information regarding you and your organization has already been entered in the vendor's information system.
That's why it's necessary to contact INTELEK's commercial department by dialing +420 533 338833 or +420 296 338833 or by sending an email after clicking here.

When registering, you need to know the following:

* Who is the contact person that will be set up as an administrator for your company
* The login name and password of the administrator

When your administrator has been registered, you can enter information regarding other people from your organization with the right to make orders and set up as many addresses that goods or tax documents can sent to as you need. More information about all options in our eShop can be found using the following links:

Basic orientation on our pages
Customer registration for our eShop
Joining our eShop
Ordering in our eShop
Managing user accounts
Creating a customized offer
My configuration

A detailed explanation why you have to contact INTELEK's commercial department
If you registered as a new customer while the same data regarding you and your company had already been entered in the information system, your information would be duplicate and that would cause problems.
Moreover, if INTELEK provided information regarding you and your company to anybody based on your company ID, this information could be misused for unauthorized purchases on behalf of you and your organization.
INTELEK consistently cares about the security of the information regarding you and your organization.

I'm not INTELEK's customer as yet (or the company I'm working for).